Free Printable Jesus Journal

The Jesus Journal is a great little book for jotting down spiritual thoughts at church, an event, or while studying the scriptures. It has pages to color, spots to doodle journal, and space to write. Not specific to any faith- great for any Christian.
16 half sheet pages. Just print front and back, fold, and you have a great booklet.
I hope you love this FREE Spritual Christian Journal / Notebook.
Please only use the Free Jesus Journal download for personal use. Feel free to print and copy for friends and family- but not for anything commercial. Do not alter the files, claim them as your own, or post these files anywhere else- just link them.
And if you love these you should check out my
THANKS for being honest!
Jesus Journal- Folded Booklet, half sheet (pdf)

Free LDS General Conference Journal Packets

The Free LDS General Conference activity packet is specifically designed for the General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Lots of space to take notes and jot down spiritual thoughts. Filled with beautiful illustrations of Christ and a step-by-step sheet to draw Jesus.
A great LDS Conference printable for children and youth. 16 half sheet pages. Just print front and back, fold, and you have a great booklet
I hope you love this FREE Printable General Conference Journal / Notebook.
Please only use the Free Conference Activity Packet download for personal use. Feel free to print and copy for friends and family- but not for anything commercial. Do not alter the files, claim them as your own, or post these files anywhere else- just link them.
THANKS for being honest!
LDS CONFERENCE PRINTABLE General Conference Journal- Folded Booklet (pdf)

Hope you love these free printable activity packets! If you do, you should check out my How To Draw Jesus books!